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  • Bitfunx HDMI Converter for SONY PS2 Audio Video 3,5 mm HDMI-Adapter til HDTV-Monitor

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Bitfunx HDMI Converter for SONY PS2 Audio Video 3,5 mm HDMI-Adapter til HDTV-Monitor

kr61.06 kr40.31

Tags: sagen ps2, gamestar ps2 network adapter sata, premium-video, hdd ps2, overvåge pc, bitfunx ps2, skærm, købe ps2 network adaptor, ps2 usb, ps2 tastatur koder.

  • SKU: w5297



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Yderligere oplysninger

  • Model-Nummer: PS2 HDMI KONVERTER
  • SONY Model: playstation2
  • Dimension: 135 x 78 x 22 mm
  • Vægt: 60g
  • Kompatibel Mærke/Model: Sony
  • Mærke: BitFunx

Anmeldelser (4)

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  • Robert Mcelveen

    bien reçu assez rapide. parfait

  • Lehphyro

    It works perfectly on my tv and PS2 a pleasure to play with such a good quality, it changes old AV to HDMI, the color is very clear and I do not regret my purchase

  • Vimanuel 11


  • Fremont Fun

    Excellent thing, breathed a new life in the old lady)) the picture became on the head above. Delivery took 20 days, well done.

kr62.30 kr47.35


7/8" 22mm Motorcykel Venstre Side 12V vandtæt blinklys horn Håndtaget Kontrol Skifte Lyset On Off Indikator for Motocross

Type: handlebar kontrol skifte Motorcykel venstre side control-tasten.Aluminiumslegering boliger.Det påvirker ikke koblingen Alt-i-et design af turn signal switch (skift + horn skift + Hi / Lo stråle skifte Montering: Universal-passer til de fleste cykler med 7/8inch (22mm) styret.Pacakge i prisen: 1pc venstre control-tasten Bemærk: (1)Selv om

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